Cellar Heat Gallery Blogger Template
Brought to you by EvanEckard.com, Smashing Magazine, and MagzNetwork

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. In tellus nisl, tincidunt vel, tincidunt vel, gravida ac, odio. Praesent condimentum, quam at aliquet consectetuer, arcu augue condimentum turpis, ut accumsan augue lacus nec felis. Sed volutpat euismod nisl. Cras vel massa. Nunc nec elit. Fusce eleifend iaculis purus. Suspendisse potenti. Etiam fermentum metus at nisi. Aliquam varius tellus faucibus lacus. Pellentesque faucibus arcu a tortor. Suspendisse nisi leo, rutrum nec, blandit nec, tincidunt ut, enim. Cras quis nisl. Mauris porta. Sed non mi. Fusce commodo sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris sed eros eu augue luctus hendrerit. Aliquam fringilla auctor justo. Donec pulvinar, felis sed blandit lacinia, nisi felis euismod erat, ac sollicitudin odio nulla non pede.
Integer sit amet augue. Donec eget nisl vel neque ultricies pharetra. Integer neque ligula, facilisis sit amet, porta ut, gravida nec, purus. Quisque malesuada ligula vitae eros. Duis consectetuer sollicitudin nisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla a tortor. Quisque vitae quam. Pellentesque ante nibh, varius sit amet, sagittis ac, vulputate eget, turpis. Donec eget nibh. Aliquam sit amet quam eget pede auctor ornare. Curabitur et magna in urna cursus hendrerit. Etiam auctor, turpis volutpat vehicula sollicitudin, leo quam venenatis libero, eget vehicula lectus lectus vitae leo. Pellentesque euismod, sapien et rutrum tincidunt, purus urna consectetuer massa, sed lacinia dui est eget felis. Nam volutpat. Nulla ante est, congue eu, ultricies ultricies, congue at, velit. Donec ante. Integer vitae quam vel orci venenatis consectetuer. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

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cool ..............

Fuckin' AWESOME template! =D

fuck hell
what if we could show a picture also instead of text on the homepage ?

awesome.. great!!!

AteulUy : Should I contact You if I want to modify this template?
creator : Absolutely
AteulUy : What if I wont?
creator : What modify you can do?
AteulUy : ...

This is a cool template, thanks

This is the best blogger template I ever saw.

As soon as the light version become available I intent to use it.

Congratulations for this magnificent work.


hi, good day to you all. first, i'd like to thank the developer of this template for i have utilized it in my own blogger account www.unsaturatedfat.blogspot.com. I only have one question, see, at the original live demo of the template it shows that at a single page, there are 9 posts (3 columns and 3 rows) but if you link back to my site, there are only 7 posts with the bottom row only having one. how can i solve the problem that all 9 posts appears? thanks alec - xyrich@gmail.com


Go to Layout - Page Elements and edit "Blog" widget. Then you can choose to show 3,6,9,12,or 15 posts per page.

Hi Agus, In this demo the images on the blog seem to resize themselves to fit each window, but in mine...they don't resize and look funny. How do I fix that?

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dude i have a problem ..... the recent post and recent comments widget are invisible in the blog and i am not able to edit them plz help

i am also having main page picture not resizing as in the demo. Please help. how do i fix it?

Thanks. ^_^

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